Status dostępności:
Czytelnia Rzeszów
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 24095c (1 egz.)
Strefa uwag:
Uwaga ogólna
Na okł. : Studies on international courts and tribunals.
Uwaga dotycząca bibliografii
Bibliogr. s. 470-472. Indeks.
Uwaga dotycząca zawartości
Zawiera: The legitimacy of international criminal tribunals / Larry May and Shannon Fyfe -- Conceptualising and measuring the legitimacy of international criminal tribunals / Silje AA. Langvatn and Theresa Squatrito -- Between international criminal justice and injustice : theorising legitimacy / Sergey Vasiliev -- Legitimacy, legality, and the possibility of a pluralist international criminal law / Asad Kiyani -- The legitimacy and effectiveness of international criminal tribunals : a criminal policy perspective / Athanasios Chouliaras -- Legitimacy and ICC jurisdiction following security council referrals : conduct on the territory of non-party states and the legality principle / Rogier Bartels -- Is the Yugoslav Tribunal guilty of hyper-humanising international humanitarian law? / Nobuo Hayashi -- 'One of the challenges that can plausibly be raised against them'? on the role of truth in debates about the legitimacy of international criminal tribunals / Jakob V.H. Holtermann -- Hidden legitimacy : crafting judicial narratives in the shadow of secrecy at a War Crimes Tribunal : a speculation / Timothy William Waters -- Positive complementarity and legitimacy : is the international criminal court shifting from judicial restraint towards intervention? / Ignaz Stegmiller -- African supranational criminal jurisdiction : one step towards ending impunity or two steps backwards for international criminal justice? / Dorothy Makaza -- Legitimacy defects and legal flaws of the special tribunal for lebanon : dilemmas of the 'peace through justice' theorem / Martin Wahlisch -- Prosecutors' opening statements : the rhetoric of law, politics and silent war / Damien Rogers -- Effectiveness of international criminal tribunals : empirical assessment of rehabilitation as sentencing goal / Barbora Hola, Jessica Kelder, and Joris van Wijk -- Procedural justice, legitimacy, and victim participation in Uganda / Stephen Smith Cody -- Things fall apart : battles of legitimation and the politics of noncompliance and African sovereignty from the Rwanda Tribunal to the ICC / Victor Peskin -- Financing lady justice : how the funding systems of Ad Hoc Tribunals could lend themselves to the possibility of judicial bias / Mistale Taylor -- Claiming authority in the name of the other : human rights NGOs and the ICC / Kjersti lohne.
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